Bob Kimber
"Dear Wizards, after racing for the past three seasons in the Score Baja Championship Series, competing three times in the Ironman Solo category, and twice on Pro Moto teams, I wanted to take the time to properly thank you for ALL support you have given me. I am so proud to have been introduced to you, and to WizardStickers. Prior to using WizardStickers, my hands and arms had a difficult time, and I was living with the regret that I might never get to see my life-long dream of doing the Baja1000 peninsula run, because I couldn’t hold onto the bars that long.
I am proud to say that since I have incorporated WizardStickers into virtually every aspect of my life, I am now able to ride any distance, and any terrain, and have no fatigue or arm pump holding me back.
The best example I can give you is that I was able to finish the San Felipe 250, while standing riding the toughest course of all the Baja races, with zero fatigue. My legs and arms in the days following the race were never sore or tired. I cannot help but attribute all of my success WizardStickers.
Everyone asks me about WizardStickers, and I tell them what I have learned from you scientifically, but then I tell them that it is “Magic”
I have accepted my most recent invitation to join the team for the upcoming Baja400 in September. Please wish me luck
And thank you again for helping my dream come true. The Baja1000 this coming this November is going to be a peninsula run, close to 1200miles.“
"Thanks for an awesome product. Wizard stickers has been a game changer for all of my bikes. I have used wizard stickers on aluminum, carbon,steele and titanium frame bikes. I instantly noticed a difference the wizard stickers made on each bike. I have been riding with wizard stickers on my bikes for 8+ years. I currently live in Moab, Utah known as a mountain bike Mecca. The wizard stickers help absorb the shock from going to your body, which increases performance. You can instantly feel the power to the pedals when you put the wizard stickers on your bike. I feel the wizard stickers also increases breaking power. Again thanks for an awesome product that makes riding even more enjoyable and fun. Thanks, Dave Burdette Moab, Utah”
“Seit ich acht Jahre alt bin fahre ich Motocross. Als eher kleiner und leichter Fahrer hatte ich anfangs immer Mühe, das Bike unter Kontrolle zu halten. Vor vier Jahren konnte ich erstmals mit einem mit Wizard Stickern ausgerüsteten Motorrad fahren. Bereits von Anfang an konnte ich feststellten, dass sich das Motorrad um einiges ruhiger anfühlt und somit besser kontrollieren lässt. Zudem ermüdete ich deutlich weniger schnell. Somit konnte ich immer in den letzten Runden eines Rennens noch gleich schnell oder sogar noch schneller Fahren wie in den ersten Runden. In der Zwischenzeit konnte ich – auch dank «Wizard Stickers»– drei Meistertitel in der Schweizermeisterschaft der Kategorien 65ccm und 85ccm einfahren. Ich vertraue nach wie vor auf die Wizard Stickers und freue mich, in Zukunft zusammen mit «Wizard Stickers» auch international unterwegs zu sein.”
Es ist immer wieder erstaunlich was für einen Unterschied die Wizard Stickers machen. Das Motorrad fühlt sich viel ruhiger an, es ist fast als hätte man das Fahrwerk weicher gestellt und die Fiberationen rausgenommen. Es lässt sich deutlich besser einlenken und somit auch besser die Rillen treffen. Das Motorrad ist im ganzen mehr «connected» zum Boden. Nicht nur auf eine Runde sondern auf eine Renndistanz sehe ich den Vorteil der Stickers. Weniger Ermüdung im Physischen sowie Mentalen Bereich und dadurch konstantere Rundenzeiten = bessere Resultate! Was wir auch bemerkt haben, dass das bekleben der Reifen einen wesentlichen Unterschied in der Spurtreue macht, vor allem bei kantigen Löcher verzeiht es deutlich mehr und das Motorrad verhält sich ruhiger. Pascal Frommelt
Hello! My friend Dave Burdette in Moab, Utah kindly shared some of your Wizard anti-vibratory stickers with me. I am a long distance trail runner and I have been wearing them under the insoles of one pair of my trail running shoes and alternating them with another that has none, throughout my training since last September (I have moved the stickers from an old pair to a new pair as I got new shoes over the season) and I think my legs feel less fatigued when I use the shoes with the Wizardstickers. I wanted to tell you about my experience using the stickers in my running shoes (a soft material) because I see you promote the use of the sticker for metal objects like bikes and engines to reduce vibration. I notice I am less tired after runs where I use your stickers. Your product is amazing.
Cummins 4BT 3.9l Diesel engines are notorious for their vibrations and even with the factory offered upgrade of installing a COUNTER BALANCING SHAFT, the remaining vibrations are still substantial. So when we were faced with the challenge of offering the Scorpion All Terrain Vehicle with the Cummins diesel engine upgrade, we were simply appalled by the unacceptable levels of vibrations and discomfort! After extensive research, we found the solution / salvation in the form of an application of “sensor” stickers, manufactured and distributed by WIZARD STICKERS of Schaan, Liechtenstein. These were applied to engine, drive train and chassis of the diesel Scorpion Vehicle and resulted in such a effective and notable reduction in vibration and harmonics, that we subsequently applied these “sensors” to the gasoline powered version of the Scorpion as well. Thank you for this simple but very effective solution. Soni Honegger Chief Engineer Tactical Vehicles In
Nochmals herzlichen Dank für die Wizardstickers und deine Arbeit ich kann die Sticker Nur weiterempfehlen der Fahrkomfort hat sich enorm verbessert und es sind kaum mehr Vibrationen zu spüren super Fahrgefühl. Beste Grüsse Adrian
Hier unsere Wizard Sticker in Action!